Beth is a homemaker that is using her skills in decorating and crafting to make the world a more beautiful place. Her thrifty and innovative ideas in crafty are sure to awaken your inner crafter. She hopes to have you join her and cannot wait for the memories that you get to make together, have a Blessed Day.
When they say there is always that person... they definitely were talking about Randy. He is Beth's Diamond in the Rough, the love of her life. Randy is man behind the scenes making craft kits on the Glow Forge, chunky wood cut outs, and tea cup night lights. His crazy antics help make crafts more entertaining.You will never know what he will do, but we do promise it will be fun.
Not getting paid, but definitely working. Whitney is Beth and Randy's daughter and she is helping with all of the background stuff that is no fun. We appreciate her help. She is the mother of three girls under 10 and is busy busy. So if you have any technical issues please remember to be kind. She also works on her own Facebook Group Timeless Truths Made Modern which focuses on cooking and painting.
Are you here for Rekindled Blessings Chattanooga Fall Event Follow the link below to purchase your ticket before they sell out!!!!